A. L. Browning
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Alvah Browning


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Hotchkiss Colorado

Labels were often attached to the back of the paintings.

Here are some examples;

This is the only label I have found like this.

It is from the McMurtry store in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

This is one of the more common labels. It lists twenty six available scenes by the artist.

These scenes were easily reproduced by the artist.

This is one of my favorite images

This paint store in Pueblo, Colorado used this label on the back of Brownings paintings.

This label is from the O. O. Swank Art Company of Billings, Montana.

Some of the scene choices are different from the Mcmurtry labels. And there are twenty five scenes available. This is another label which to date is the only one I have found.

This small flyer is from the Sherwin Williams Paint Company.

This points out that Browning had painted for the Sherwin Williams paint company for over fifty years. This is estimated to be 1944 - 1945.

This label has an address from Hollywood, California.

This label gives Browning's age as 75 years old.

Label used for Sherwin Williams Paint Store, Denver Colorado